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ORANGE OX™ Hay Conserver Bale Feeder

Orange Ox Livestock Equipment - Proud supplier of the Orange Ox Hay Conserver Bale Feeder

Sold exclusively by:
GoBob Pipe & Steel Sales 1-877-851-2365

Con-serve: To avoid wasteful use. To use frugally. To protect from unnecessary loss. To help you have higher profits!

[ click on images below to enlarge ]  
Orange Ox - Orange Ox  - Hay Conserver Bale Feeder - Save Money! Saves Money!
Feed up to 30% less hay. Put your pencil to that!
Orange Ox - Orange Ox  - Hay Conserver Bale Feeder - Save Time! Saves Time!
Fewer trips to the pasture. Less wear and tear on your pick-up.
Orange Ox - Orange Ox  - Hay Conserver Bale Feeder - Safe and Durable! Safe & Durable!
Built with Schedule 40 pipe. Won’t rub the manes off your horses.
Orange Ox - Orange Ox  - Hay Conserver Bale Feeder - Easy to Move! Easy to Move!
Pick up and haul with any bale bed.

Here is what some of our customers have to say …

Orange Ox - Orange Ox  - Hay Conserver Bale Feeder - Good for Cows, Bulls, Horses and nore!“My wife and I can’t get over how little waste there is with these new feeders and how handy they are to use with our Hydrabed.
Harold Stapelford, Fall River, KS.

“In January it looked like I was going to have to buy hay then I bought five of these feeders. I really believe they saved 25 to 30% of my hay. This spring I had 25 bales of hay left over!

Timber Hill Limousin, Mound Valley, KS.

“I used two of these feeders this spring in my calving lot and could not believe how long 2 bales lasted. The cows really clean it up and there is little or no waste.”
Romans Angus Ranch, Tony Stidham, Independence, KS.

Orange Ox - Orange Ox  - Hay Conserver Bale Feeder - Easy to move, easy to save 100$

Get your Hay Conserver bale feeder today and put the money you’ve been wasting back in your pocket!

Hay Conserver Bale Feeder

Sold exclusively by:
GoBob Pipe & Steel Sales 1-877-851-2365

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Orange Ox Livestock Equipment is a proud product by Bob Studebakers Gobob Pipe and Steel Sales Corp.